Archive for March 2013

Exchange 2010 datacenter switchover tool (process) now available

Exchange 2010 includes a feature called Datacenter Activation Coordination (DAC) mode that is designed to prevent split brain at the database level during switchback procedures that are being performed after a datacenter switchover has occurred. One of the side benefits of enabling DAC mode is that it enables you to use the built-in recovery cmdlets to perform the datacenter switchover and switchback.

You can download it from here
Note: It's not exactly a tool but a power point guide to help you perform the switchover correctly with all the cmdlets.


Lync Server 2013 Stress and Performance Tool

The Lync Server 2013 Stress and Performance Tools (LSS) can be used to prepare, define and validate performance targets of user scenarios of an on-premise Lync Server 2013 deployment. LSS includes multiple modules and can simulate simultaneous users on one or more Lync Servers. In the 2013 version, video support was added and provisioning and configuration tools are improved.

Download it from here

The Lync Server 2013 Stress and Performance Tool (LSS) is capable of simulating user load of the following types:
  • Instant messaging (IM) and presence
  • Audio/Video/Multi-View conferencing
  • Application sharing
  • Voice over IP (VoIP), including public switched telephone network (PSTN) simulation
  • Web Access Client conferencing
  • Conferencing Attendant
  • Response Groups
  • Distribution list expansion
  • Address book download and address book query
  • E911 calls and Location Profile
The tool does not simulate the following clients:
  • Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007
  • Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2, Group Chat Console


Exchange Reports for Exchange 2010, 2013 and Office 365

Introducing Exchange Reports
You can download it from here
This application requires .Net 4.0, Powershell 2.0 and Remote Powershell access to Exchange Server. It is tested on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 2008 R2.

Yet, it's still in beta. I tested in my LAB and it's pretty good. List of reports you can get from this tool:
Group Report
Single Group Information
Mailbox Report
Single Mailbox information
Message Tracking
Admin Audit Log (coming soon)
Mailbox Audit Log (Coming soon)
Environment Report (Coming soon)

Here is how Mailbox report looks like.

Update: 06|03|2013
Email notification feature will also be included in coming update.
