The OCS & Lync Sign-In Troubleshooting Tool V3.0
- You can download the tool here (save locally, unzip, and run on a Windows client).
The OCS & Lync Sign-In Troubleshooter helps diagnose Microsoft Office Communicator and Lync clientsign-in issues.
1] DNS Information. The tool queries for the DNS SRV and A records used by the Communicator or Lync client to automatically locate the OCS or Lync server. It queries the DNS server (as configured on the client machine) and displays the results for the following DNS records:
- _sipinternaltls._tcp.<>
- _sipinternal._tcp.<>
- _sip._tls.<>
- _sip._tcp.<>
- sipinternal.<>
- sip.<>
- sipexternal.<>
The preferred DNS match (that the client will first attempt to use) is then highlighted in the results.
2] Test Port Availability. A user can click on any of the DNS sign-in records that returned a match (resolved on the client) and then test the connectivity of the hostname and port associated with that DNS record.
3] Remotely Retrieve Certificate Information. A user can click on any of the DNS automatic sign-in and remotely retrieve the X509 Certificate information if the port is secured using TLS (or SSL). Certificate information returned includes the Common Name (CN), Subject Name, Issuer, Certificate Authority, Expiry Date, Creation Date, and Subject Alternative Names (SANs).
4] The tool also retrieves and displays the Installed Version of the Office Communicator or Lync client.
To Use
- Click on the Download link and save the file on the client computer where the Lync or Office Communicator client is running.
- Extract the MOCLogin.exe file. Right-click | Properties | “Unblock” it. Double-click it to run the tool.
- Enter a SIP address or SIP domain name, and press Go.
- Optionally select a matching DNS record result and test the port connectivity or retrieve the certificate information.
This tool is offered on a best effort basis by Curtis Johnstone. No formal support or warranty is offered, implied or intended.
Tested On
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 2003, Windows 7, and Windows 2008 with the latest Service Pack’s (as of July 2011). The only language it was tested with is English.
This tool is Copyright © 2011 Curtis Johnstone and cannot be distributed without explicit permission.
Screen Shots
Main DNS Queries (Example)
Certificate Information (Example)