Initialization failed when opening EMC after updating Exchange 2010 to SP2

My first post on Exchange 2010 SP2 :)

I was upgrading Exchange 2010 SP1 to SP2. I extended the schema successfully without any error message and  upgraded the server to SP2 successfully.
But when I started the EMC I got the below error message.

To fix the issue you just need to restart your exchange server and everything will be fine.
I am still working on this behavior to find out that why it happened and what was it which was causing this issue....and once I get it I will update this post...


At the location C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\RemoteScripts

Rename the file ConsoleInitialize.ps1 to ConsoleInitialize.OLD. Create a new one ConsoleInitialize.ps1. Send me email and I will send you the text file. Unfortunately I can't save file on Blogger :(

Note: It's a workaround, Microsoft is working on this issue. We hope that MS will release permanent fix  for it soon.

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